The elephant in the room idioms by the free dictionary.
Pink elephant in the room meaning.
The meaning if not the exact wording dates from at least the 1950s and is possibly some years older than that.
The expression elephant in the room usually the elephant in the room or the elephant in the living room is a metaphorical idiom in english for an important or enormous topic question or controversial issue that is obvious or that everyone knows about but no one mentions or wants to discuss because it makes at least some of them uncomfortable or is personally socially or politically.
Definitions by the largest idiom dictionary.
A pink elephant in the room is a phrase used to say that there is something very obvious one cant miss it yet no one wants to be the person to point it out or talk about it.
If you say there is an elephant in the room you mean that there is an obvious problem or.
A topic that everyone is aware of but everyone avoids discussing.
This phrase was first introduced by sam senev who brought an actual pink elephant to a speech.
Put another way it is a noticeable issue that is not acknowledged or addressed.
Elephant in the corner white elephant in the room pink elephant in the room.
The elephant in the room phrase.
The elephant in the room definition.
The first reference to the phrase that i have found is in the charleston gazette july 1952.
An elephant in the room definition.
If you say there is an elephant in the room you mean that there is an obvious problem or.
Its assumed that everyone has noticed it.
What does the elephant in the room expression mean.
He was scheduled for a business meeting that was starting any moment so not wanting to be late he.
If there is an elephant in the room it means that an obvious problem is being ignored.
Meaning of idiom elephant in the room the elephant in the room is a topic that is sensitive awkward or embarrassing and that no one wants to talk about but which is difficult to ignore.
Definition of the elephant in the room in the idioms dictionary.
Jim arrived at work and his clothes were soaking wet.
An elephant in the room meaning.