Elocksys garage door lock on shark tank dead bolt for garage door episode 523 3 21 2014 i m not sure this is a wise decision but it looks like millions of people are going to learn how easy it is to break into automatic garage door s on the next shark tank show.
Shark tank garage door lock episode.
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Doorbot launched in 2012 and by the time the shark tank episode aired in 2013 costs had begun to mount for the upstart.
White got a patent for his invention way back in 2002 now he s hoping a shark can help make his patent and product pay off.
Daymond john offered 275 000 for 35 percent equity contingent on the company getting a.
The sharks all agreed there was a serious need for this product and were shocked to learn how easy it is to enter a home through the garage door.
The garage door lock on shark tank bryan entered the tank seeking 275 000 for 30 of his company.
Turns out the door was accidentally over engineered by the set producers of shark tank using a super strong deadbolt unbeknownst to the duo the haven co founders say.
Robert offered 275 for an astonishing 70.
At that time our team was 8 people working in my garage and going out.
While they struggled to.
An inventor from vista california shows how his garage lock will protect everyone from easy break ins a confident entrepreneur from needham ma tries to school the sharks even those without hair on a paradigm shift in morning grooming his shower cap to fix bedhead and two young men from chicago oh try to woo the.
Daymond offered the 275 for 40 contingent on getting a licensing deal.
Bryan began by selling the sharks on the necessity of his product by mentioning there was a home.
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Garage door lock entrepreneur bryan white pitches his garage door lock in shark tank episode 523 on march 21.
Garage door lock by elocksys went into the shark tank asking for 275k for 30 equity.
An entrepreneur from salt lake city hopes to convince the sharks of the delicious and healthy merits of his energy bars fortified with protein from crickets.